Hello and welcome
to IE Hub!

If you’re on this page you’ve likely been referred to IE Hub by Untangle Grief. The death of someone close to you is bound to have devastating effects on your entire life. During bereavement, many people are affected emotionally, mentally, and financially. If you have been left with debt after a loved one passes away, it is important to take steps to manage this debt in a way that is responsible and sustainable.

IE Hub is a free, online tool that can help you manage your finances. Not only can you budget your own finances, but you can also communicate with creditors in your own time, without long and stressful phone calls. You can do this in your own time and can share your budget with as many creditors as you wish.

You can share as much information as you want to share and attach any further notes about your current situation. Then, you may be able to discuss the option of a cheaper payment plan.

If you require assistance, you can contact customer.support@iehub.co.uk

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